Are you ready to take a leap of faith? Whether we realise it or not, each of us is at the center of everything that happens in our lives; every experience and every relationship is mirroring a mental pattern that we hold inside us, so letting go of old patterns that no longer serve us can be life-changing. Everything we think and do shapes our reality and the process of self-discovery illuminates all the ideas, positive and negative, that we give energy to.
Aroha Equine & Wellness incorporates a range of traditional therapeutic techniques, including guided learning exercises, music, art, and holding your knowledge and wisdom sacred, to release trauma that may have shaped your mind and body toward different states of fear, anxiety, depression ... allowing you to start moving towards creating physical relief and emotional serenity. Every person is unique so our approach is intuitively tailored to respond to the individual. We know that horses can play a vital role in the process of self-discovery. Their patience and natural perceptivity
enables them to attune to human emotions in gentle, unpretentious ways, making them honest and insightful companions in the healing journey. Equine Assisted Therapy embraces the science that humans learn best by doing. On its own or in combination with Bowen Therapy, Reiki, NVC or Laughter Yoga, Aroha Equine & Wellness will help you create a safe space to express and analyse a situation, make connections and find solutions, delivering profound and long lasting results.
Life can sometimes feel overwhelming and we may find ourselves too busy to stop and listen to our inner voice. Aroha Equine & Wellness focuses on the tools and experiences to live in the moment, by giving you the space to slow down, reflect and notice what is beckoning you to expand. When we connect with our inner voice, we connect more profoundly with love, nature, and ourselves. Aroha Equine & Wellness offers experiential therapies that let you re-discover your most authentic and loving self, quietly guided by the wisdom that Bowen Therapy, Reiki, Laughter Yoga, and horses have to offer you. I have trained in Bowen Therapy, Reiki, Compassionate Communication, Laughter Yoga, and Eagala Therapy in my healing work. I am guided to follow a holistic approach that encompasses some or all of these modalities, to create learning experiences that will open your heart to a world of freedom and joy.

The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom.
- Sharon Ralls Lemon
Aroha Equine & Wellness
Alfriston - Auckland